
Real Estate is Location, Location, Location!

In the real estate industry, quality data and information are all too often not in the public domain and come from hard to find sources. Local knowledge, when combined with topical expertise, is irreplaceable and essential. Federal Appraisal & Consulting LLC provides locally-based, local experts anywhere in the USA.

Until Federal Appraisal was formed, our clients did not have true national coverage. While some service providers claimed national real estate capabilities, they truly cover only perhaps a dozen or so markets with locally-based experts, and cover only the most common types of assets and issues.

Our company mission is to provide services where ever our clients have assets, where ever our clients are located, for whatever types of assets and issues they may have. By the middle of the year 2002, we expect to have partners who are locally-based local market experts in the 200 largest markets and MSA’s in the USA, as well as who are internationally capable.

Map of Coverage

Due to the nature of our work, our appraisers frequently hold active state licenses in more than fifteen states at a time. Federal Appraisal regularly performs appraisals nationally and internationally. In fact, we have covered nearly every major city in the United States, 49 of the 50 states, and every major continent, internationally.

This provides two dramatic advantages to our clients. It saves our clients money on the cost of service, and it greatly improves the quality of service.

States covered shown in green, as of December 2005.

International experience and capabilities are numerous, and are dependent on the nature of the assets and issues of the specific case.

Please call us to discuss your specific international needs.

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