Appraisals by Location
In real estate, quality data and information are often not in the public domain and come from disparate sources and local knowledge. When combined with topical expertise, such data is irreplaceable and essential. Federal Appraisal, LLC provides locally based, local experts anywhere in the USA.
Until Federal Appraisal was formed, our clients did not have true national coverage. While some service providers claimed national real estate capabilities, they covered only perhaps a dozen markets with locally-based experts and covered only the most common types of assets and issues.
Our company mission is to provide services wherever our clients have assets, wherever our clients are located, for whatever types of assets and issues they may have. We have partners who are locally based local market experts in the 100 largest markets and MSA’s in the USA, as well as those who are internationally capable. This provides two dramatic advantages to our clients. It saves our clients’ money on the cost of service, and it greatly improves the quality of service.
Please review our Affiliates’ Geographic Coverage page.

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