Others & Not-for-Profits

Federal Appraisal, LLC is uniquely qualified to serve. While we have attempted to list on our web pages the client types that we serve, we have not listed them all.

It is strongly recommended that clients, who do not fall into a clearly defined category, call us to discuss their particular needs for each project or issue, so that we may propose the most appropriate, costeffective service or product.

Insurance Companies

Business Interruption Consulting, Damages Estimates

Federal Appraisal, LLC provides consulting and appraisal services to individuals and companies suffering from business interruptions and damages from natural and man-made disasters and accidents. If the loss or diminution of the use of your real estate is causing a loss in business income and/or is reducing the utility or value of your real estate, then Federal Appraisal, LLC may be able to help you recoup your damages. Even tenants in damaged or reduced utility space can benefit from our services.

Federal Appraisal also provides Insurable Value appraisals.

Not-for-Profit Organizations

Federal Appraisal has substantial experience servicing not-for-profit organizations. Their organizational structures impact their need for appraisal services. They have unique requirements for reporting to their boards and other oversight groups. They are cost sensitive. While real estate activities that they require assistance with often represent one of the most significant financial decisions of the organization, the real estate training, knowledge, and experience are beyond that of the best run not-for-profit organizations. Unfortunately, all too often, not-for-profit organizations wait too long before contacting real estate professionals or they’re not even aware that they can obtain assistance for their particular needs.

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