The Federal Housing and Urban Development Agency (HUD) prescribes its own appraisal procedures and its own appraisal formats. While the appraisal theory behind the HUD appraisals is the same as any other appraisal, failure to comply with HUD’s specific procedures and formats can result in the disqualification of an appraisal.
Federal Appraisal, LLC provides HUD appraisals.
Rent Comparability Studies for the Section 8, Mark to Market Programs and Other Programs.
The professionals at Federal Appraisal have been providing rent comparability studies for various HUD programs for over five years. Federal Appraisal has developed proprietary software that fully automates the HUD appraisal forms as well as the accompanying narrative report. Our proprietary software standardizes our work product and thus, ensures product quality, maximal acceptance by HUD, and a cost-effective service delivered quickly.
Federal Appraisal also provides full narrative appraisals, and market and feasibility studies for HUD.
Feel free to call us to discuss our qualifications, references, and their local expertise.
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