Small, Mid-sized Businesses

Until the creation of Federal Appraisal, LLC, small and mid-sized companies had difficulty finding the real estate and business appraisal and consulting services that they needed. Today, small and mid sized companies can turn to Federal Appraisal, LLC for all of their appraisal and consulting services. Federal Appraisal services small and mid-sized accounting and consulting firms, law firms, corporate real estate groups, private and public investors, developers, and management companies.

Federal Appraisal, LLC also services private owners.

We provide the highest level of service, while we fully recognize the special needs of small and mid-sized companies to control costs. It is precisely because of this need that Federal Appraisal was created. Our firm was organized specifically to control the costs of our services and still maintain the highest quality of professional service. Our business model enables us to offer competitively priced services, over a greater geographic area than most of the so-called national appraisal firms, and over a greater number of issues than the local market expert.

  • Business Appraisal / Valuation
  • General Services for Corporations
  • Going concern
  • Damages and lost income
  • Good will & intangibles
  • Mark to market
  • Liquidation
  • Real Property Valuation
A Special Note to Small and Mid-sized Companies

Now that you know that such services are available to your small and mid-sized company, we hope that you agree that prudent management dictates the use of such services. Real estate often represents the single largest investment for a company. The consequences of a bad real estate investment, acquisition, or lease can be fatal to a small or mid-sized company.

Companies that lease their real estate are not immune to the fatal consequences of bad real estate decisions. While the cash outlay for lease in any given year may not appear significant, the total cash outlay for any longer-term lease (seven years for longer) often exceeds purchase price of real estate. Furthermore, the terms of the lease (base rent, rent step ups, rent escalations, operating expense passthroughs, real estate tax pass-throughs, utility expense pass-throughs, and other terms) can make the analysis of the lease substantially more complicated and difficult than the analysis of the sale.

See our Lease Analysis and Audit page and our Corporate Real Estate pages for more information.

Similarly, consultants and managers who advise poorly assume liability. Unfortunately, small and mid-sized companies can rarely afford to employ real estate appraisal and consulting professionals. Federal Appraisal, LLC eliminates the liability by supplying the services necessary to properly advise clients. Federal Appraisal is able to work with consultants and managers in either a joint venture or a subcontractor capacity.

Management Consulting Issues and Solutions for Small and Mid-sized Companies

Federal Appraisal, LLC provides user-defined scopes of services and agreed upon-procedures services relating to small and mid-sized companies.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Federal Appraisal, LLC provides the real estate appraisals and valuation reporting support required by the SEC. See our SEC page for more information.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Federal Appraisal, LLC provides the real estate appraisals and valuation reporting support required by the IRS. See our IRS page for more information

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